- February 18, 2017
- Posted by: wgadmin
- Category: CreditEase
Established in 1998, Letshego Holdings has grown from being a consumer lending entity to the fully fledged financial services company it is today.
With a market presence in six African countries, Letshego Holdings sought to add Mozambique to their collective thereby highlighting their need for an innovative and like-minded technology partner with a very distinctive characteristic – the ability to operate in Portuguese.
Ké Concepts (PTY) Ltd, more than comfortable with leading from the front, were wholly up to the challenge and welcomed the opportunity to institute a multilingual facet into their CreditEase software.
Driven by Letshego Holdings operative need and the Mozambican Government’s mandate for business to be conducted in that country’s official language, Ké Concepts began the undertaking to fully translate their CreditEase application suite into Portuguese.
“The translation process [into Portuguese] was intense,” says Miles Hern, Ké Concepts Managing Director. “The product changes necessitated by the project were numerous and the technical challenges that arose made for an interesting learning curve.”
An interesting and successful learning curve as a pilot launch of the translated software was undertaken in November 2010 with full provision of the Portuguese solution to a small segment of Letshego’s target market. The product was very well received within the test group and the following couple of months were dedicated to stabilizing the solution before the comprehensive launch of the now multilingual CreditEase application suite took place in February this year.
With the inclusion of Mozambique, Ké Concepts African footprint now extends across 12 countries, with the possibility of adding Angola into the mix as a direct result of the success of the Portuguese translation.
“Our customers are constantly looking for new opportunities on the African continent and given our resounding success with this project, we anticipate the need to support additional languages as our clients grow into these markets,” remarks Miles.
Being the forerunners in taking their dynamic loan management software suite into the multilingual arena, Ké Concepts back-up their solutions by ensuring that product support is readily available in the software language of choice, in this case Portuguese. And by enlisting the aid of resources with insight into the local dialect and financial terminology of a chosen language, Ké Concepts maintain the highest level of standards throughout their renowned product offerings.
Looking to the future, and given the milestones achieved with their first foray into a multilingual offering, Ké Concepts are planning to undertake a French translation in 2012, thereby paving the way for CreditEase to build a stronghold in the French speaking countries of the African continent and the world at large.
“We have the mechanism and the capability to undertake any translation requested by our clients,” states Hern. “Pushing new boundaries and exploring fresh possibilities is what we thrive on.”
About Ké Concepts: Ké Concepts is a Microsoft® Silver Partner, with specialist expertise in the provision of tailored, yet cost effective credit management and lending solutions. Based in Johannesburg, the company has been operating since 1998 when it was founded by a core of talented, experienced and collaborative individuals. This group has spent the many years working together to provide lending and debtor management solutions to the financial services industry.
Developed in close association with Microsoft and a number of veteran industry leaders, CreditEase is designed to address the challenges facing financial services providers within the Sub-Saharan African market.